Jumat, 15 Mei 2009
Huufff...padahal pengen nonton Opera van Java..
dah tak nanti2...tp kok malah semua mua disabotase ma SBY-Boediyono..apaann..!!
Gila, habis berapa duit tuhhh??
Udah gila ya, smua stasiun TV nayangin..dari transtv pe TVRI! wadu-waduh..brp M sendiri ni...
Ya Allah..jd inget acara2 Bedah Rumah ato Jika Aku Menjadi..sesungguhnya betapa masih banyaknya rakyat yg jauh di batas kemapanan.
Pernah aq liat bapak tua yg makan cuma dari nasi nget2an kemarin yg sudah basi trus di pyur-pyur garem...iya! Bner! cuma itu aja!
dan lebih mirisnya, kayak gitu tu hampir tiap hari..Masyaallah...
Jauuhh dari apa yang dicontohkan Nabi Muhammad-ku...jaman Nabi dulu..dimana yang namanya pemimpin ya benar2 ngurusi rakyat!
Coba, yang namanya Nabi Muhammad dulu tu jabatannya adalah PRESIDEN! tapi tahukah engkau wahai sobat2ku...? Bagaimana rumah Nabi?? Rumah mewahkah? ho ho..tidaak..Rumah Nabi hanya sebuah rumah kecil yg dinding aja nemplek masjid...tapi..klo urusan zakat..urusan membantu orang..urusan menolong orang...jangan ditanya... yg Nabi keluarin adalah beberapa puluh Unta! Subhanallah..
Dan...ingatkah juga kisah Umar bin Khattab? ketika Umar mendengar bahwa ada warganya yg kelaparan...maka seketika itu juga Umar langsung turun..beliau langsung bertamu ke rumah orang yg dimaksud..maka keluarlah seorang ibu2 menyambut Umar. Ibu itupun tidak tahu bahwa yg bertandang ke rumahnya adalah seorang 'Presiden'! Dan dipersilahkanlah masuk Umar..dan di saat yg sama anak si ibu tersebut sedang menangis..ketika Umar bertanya kenapa si anak menangis...? maka jawab si ibu " Anak saya sedang kelaparan kisanak..tapi saya tidak punya apa-apa untuk dimakan, sehingga saya pun menanak beberapa BATU untuk saya tanak. Anak saya berulang kali bertanya, kapan makanannya matang? Itulah mengapa anak saya menangis seperti ini.."
Maka menangislah Umar..beliau langsung minta ampun pada Allah..bahwa ternyata dibalik kepemimpinannya masih ada rakyatnya yang hidup seperti ini..
Maka bersegeralah Umar kembali ke kerajaan (gitu kali ya..) Beliau langsung mengambil sekarung gandum dan beliau sendiri yang memikul karung gandum tersebut ke rumah rakyatnya tadi..
Itulah..sebuah pelajaran besar...yang seharusnya para pemimpin di dunia ini mencontoh kepemimpinan para khulafaur rosyidin ini...
Eh, kira2 bisa gak ya...??
Tanya Kenapa??
Kamis, 14 Mei 2009
How to lower your cholesterol with better eating
About one in two American adults has borderline or high cholesterol levels, which increase one's risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.
Statins, medications that lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, are now among the most prescribed drugs in the country (and the world). But medication is only part of the solution: To keep cholesterol under control, maintaining a healthy weight and diet is just as important as taking a daily pill.
The guidelines for treating high cholesterol from the National Cholesterol Education Program recommend that patients try to lower their cholesterol through Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC), which include exercise and a healthy diet, before starting a statin.
Lowering your cholesterol through eating habits and exercise means you can avoid the risk of side effects from medication entirely. Indeed, the only side effects of TLC you'll encounter are more energy, weight loss, and better overall health.
To help decrease your cholesterol without a statin -- or to supplement the statin you're already taking -- follow these guidelines from the TLC diet.
Reduce saturated fat to no more than 7 percent of total calories, and cholesterol to no more than 200 milligrams per day
Saturated fat is likely to raise blood cholesterol more than any other food in your diet (except for, perhaps, trans fats, which are slowly being phased out of many foods). A goal of just 7 percent of total calories is no more than 16 grams per day for most people. To stay within these boundaries, eat more of a plant-based diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit red meat, full-fat dairy products, baked goods, and fried foods. Read about more foods to avoid
Read labels and try to track your daily saturated fat grams until you get an idea of how much your typical food choices contain; don't rely solely on the Percent Daily Values listed, since they're based on the diet of someone who doesn't have high cholesterol and thus can eat slightly more saturated fat. An added bonus: Lowering your saturated fat intake means you'll help lower cholesterol intake as well, since saturated fat and cholesterol tend to be found together.
If you're overweight, reduce calories and work toward your ideal body weight
It's unclear exactly why being overweight tends to increase blood cholesterol, but too much abdominal fat is particularly heart-unhealthy. Video: See why your spare tire is so dangerous
Women should strive to keep their waist circumference below 35 inches and men below 40. If you are overweight, losing just 10 percent of your body weight can provide a significant health improvement. Use this interactive tool to see your weight-related health profile.
Add 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber a day
Soluble fiber is found in oats, beans, fruits, and vegetables -- it's why products like Cheerios can claim heart-healthy benefits. Soluble fiber helps trap cholesterol in the digestive tract so that it passes through your body rather than getting into your bloodstream. Eating oatmeal breakfasts and having whole fruits as snacks can get you closer to this goal.
Add 2 grams of plant stanols and sterols to your daily diet
Plant stanols and sterols are natural compounds found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds that compete with cholesterol for absorption into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract and thus decrease the amount of cholesterol that makes it into your system. Stanol- and sterol-enhanced foods and beverages have become commonplace in supermarkets, from margarines and spreads to orange juice. For best results, eat foods containing plant stanols and sterols with meals twice a day.
Practice therapeutic lifestyle changes
These adjustments, combined with exercise and consultations with a doctor, make up the TLC program. By following this plan, you may be able to avoid the cost, hassle, and potential side effects of prescription drugs -- or at least keep your dose down.
Rabu, 13 Mei 2009
Given the obvious importance of maternal health to embryonic development, this topic should have extensive research data and published resources, but other than some specific health issues it is not extensively covered either here or in the literature. The recent development of the embryonic origins hypothesis also suggests that we should be focussing more on maternal health during pregnancy and, in a circular type of argument, this may also influence the female newborn's future health prospects.
Where you are in the world? Just as poor maternal nutrition (including iodine, folate) is a critical issue in developing countries, a growing problem in developed countries is the increase in obesity in general, and its impact on maternal health. (More? see Bookshelf)
The first resource are materials within the UNSW Embryology site, including links to Menstral cycle.
The second resource are internet links to the Merck Manual, Home Edition (chapter 22) freely available on the WWW. These links relate to womens health issues, in particular those related to the reproductive cycle and childbirth. Please note that this section of notes use specific Medical anatomical terms that may not be suitable for children.
The third resource is from the Centre for Disease Control (USA) which provides information and statistics on reproductive health in men and women, child health, and reproductive technologies. Many of the links and documents are external and will require WWW access and the Acrobat PDF plugin or viewer.
Finally, look at a recent Science Magazine Special Issue: Women's Health where they have published a collection of articles online that focus specifically on issues of women's health, including Endometriosis, Preeclampsia, Cardiovascular diseases and clinical trials data. (Science 10 Jun 2005)
"The results suggest that teenagers who give birth twice as adolescents have worse outcomes in their second pregnancy compared to those teenagers who are giving birth for the first time."
Cervical Cancer Vaccination Vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV) Types 6, 11, 16, and 18,; the Types 16 and 18 cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and HPV Types 6 and 11 cause 90% of genital warts cases. "...the vaccine Gardasil will be available for a nationwide vaccination campaign commencing next year. There are three elements to the proposal. There will be an annual school vaccination program commencing, we hope, depending on the measure of co-operation by the states, in about April of next year for girls 12 to 13 years. There will be a catch-up program for girls between 13 and 18 years through the schools and for women 18 to 26 the vaccine will be available for two years through general practitioners. Joint Press Conference - Prime Minister and Minister for Health and Ageing 29 November 2006 (More? Human Papillomavirus)
Human papillomavirus occurs in several types; Types 16 and 18 cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and Types 6 and 11 cause 90% of genital warts cases. A new vaccine has been recently developed for Types 6, 11, 16, and 18. In Australia (2006) approval was given to add this vaccination to the Australian vaccination program.
"...the vaccine Gardasil will be available for a nationwide (Australia) vaccination campaign commencing next year. There are three elements to the proposal. There will be an annual school vaccination program commencing, we hope, depending on the measure of co-operation by the states, in about April of next year for girls 12 to 13 years. There will be a catch-up program for girls between 13 and 18 years through the schools and for women 18 to 26 the vaccine will be available for two years through general practitioners.
Greenpeace is a global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. Greenpeace is committed to the principles of non-violence, political independence and internationalism. In exposing threats to the environment and in working to find solutions, Greenpeace has no permanent allies or enemies.
Jika ada orang di sekitar kita mengalami gejala seperti di atas, sebaiknya segera dibawa ke dokter.
Karena belum ada vaksin untuk penyakit yang satu ini, biasanya dokter akan memberikan infuse untuk mengganti asupan makanan. Selain itu diberi obat seperti Amantadine, Rimantadine, dan Oseltamivir. Untuk mencegah penularan virus ini, penderita akan ditempatkan di ruang khusus.
Untuk pencegahan, banyak yang bisa dilakukan. Salah satunya dengan memasang pendeteksi suhu tubuh di bandara udara. Jika dicurigai, penumpang akan diinterogasi oleh petugas tentang riwayat penyakitnya (petugas karantina).
Selain itu cegahlah dengan cara hidup sehat. Misalnya :
1. Mencuci tangan setelah kontak dengan binatang
2. Mencuci tangan dengan sabun sehabis bepergian atau keluar rumah
3. Memasak secara beik dan benar. Virus ini sama dengan virus yang lain. Akan mati pada kondidi panas lebih dari 600C
4. Menggunakan pengaman yang baik. Seperti masker untuk menutupi mulut dan hidung jika Anda flu, atau berada di hewan yang flu
5. Menjaga kebersihan pekerja di peternakan
6. Sistem ventilasi yang tepat di rumah maupun kandang binatang
7. Melakukan penyemprotan kandang dengan disinfektan
8. Vaksin pada babi dapat membatu, tapi tidak 100%.
So, mailah mencegah..daripada sudah terlanjur..KESEHATN ITU MAHAL.
Flu janagn dianggap sepele!! Apalagi kalau Anda berdekatan dengan binatang piaraan. Bisa-bisa terjadi koalisi antar virus influenza lho.. Gejala yang ditimbulkan oleh virus “ Flu Babi” itu tidak jauh berbeda dengan human flu virus (virus yang biasa diderita menusia). Menurut Prof. Dr. Suharto dr MSc MPK DTMH, Sp PD-KPTI, dokter spesialis penyakit dalam divisi penyakit tropic infeksi RSU DR Sutomo Surabaya, gejala flu babi diantaranya : · Demam, lebih dari 380C · Pusing · Batuk · Hidung tersumbat · Sakit tenggorokan · Mual-mual · Pegal-pagal · Lelah,lemah · Muntah · Diare · Jantung berdebar kencang · Sesak nafas Apabila sudah parah biasanya penderita hanya bisa berbaring lemah, nafsu makan berkurang sehingga bisa terjadi kekurangan cairan (bisa juga dari muntah dan diare). Biasanya hal ini terjadi pada anak-anak. Kapan dikatakan berbahaya? H1N1 bisa dikatakan berbahaya jika penderita sudah mengalami sesak nafas “Kalau sudah parah maka tubuh akan berubah menjadi berwarna biri/kebiruan karena oksigen tidak bisa menyebar sampai ke seluruh bagian tubuh” kata Suharto,Sp PD-KPTI. Bagi pengidap penyakit jantung koroner dan penyakit paru tentulah H1N1 sangatlah mematikan. Penderita sakit paru-paru akan mengalami sesak nafas karena gangguan pada paru-paru yang berat. Sementara untuk penderita penyakit jantung koroner , detak jantung akan bertambah cepat sehingga kerjanya akan semakin berat. Akinatnya akan dapat memicu serangan jantung.
Senin, 11 Mei 2009
Arsenic Trioxide - Vitamin C dan Udang
Cerita di bawah ini mohon kasih tahu kpd semua teman /orang yg anda sayangi,
Peristiwa ini terjadi di Menado, ada seorang wanita meninggal mendadak dgn lima panca indera keluar darah, setelah diselidiki ternyata wanita ini meninggal bukan karena bunuh diri atau dibunuh, melainkan karena ketidaktahuan tentang racun akibat makanan. Wanita ini ada kebiasaan minum Vit C tiap hari. Ini tdk masalah.
Masalahnya karena malam itu wanita ini kebanyakan makan udang. Sebenarnya cuma
makan udang saja tdk masalah, orang rumahnya juga banyak makan udang malam itu dan tak ada yg meninggal. Tetapi, karena udang mengandung Arsenic Pentoxide (As2O5), dan berhuhung habis makan udang wanita itu minum Vit C, terjadilah reaksi kimia di dalam perut yang membuat As2O5 berubah menjadi Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3) yg sangat beracun.
Ini mengakibatkan hati, jantung, ginjal, pembuluh darah rusak, usus keluar darah, pembuluh darah melebar hingga wanita itu meninggal mengenaskan dgn kelima panca indera keluar darah.
Jadi hati2, habis banyak makan udang, jangan minum Vit C pd saat bersamaan.
Forwadlah email ini kepada teman2 yang anda sayangi
My BeloveD FamiLy..
Melalui bloG ini..
harapannya bisa jadi media buat shaRe informasi..shaRe ilmu..pengalaman ..motivasi..ato bahkan bisa jd problem solving mgkn?? why not..So, qt bisa up graDe diri qt dikit demi dikit..
Lewat apapun itu..sekecil apapun itu..
Fase dalam hidup tak selamanya indah..pun..tak selamanya yang indah2 itu yg terbaik buat qt..
Tapi, qt dah terlanjur terbiasa memahami..jika yg indah itu baik dan yg sakit itu buruk…
Tapi, saat qt dihadapkan pada kondisi yg sebaliknya..
Ternyata butuh extra waktu dan extra pemikiran dan kesadaran untuk menyadarinya…
Tidak semua orang mampu…
Tidak semua orang bisa..
Sedikit obatnya..: “Allah memberi cobaan kepada hambanya berdasar kemampuannya..”
Jika qt merasa dicoba akan suatu masalah yang qt ngrasa amat sangat terasa berat..maka..Allah dah mengukur semuanya…bahwa qt mampu!!
Bahwa qt disiapkan oleh Allah suatu rancangan khusus yg daya pikir qt belum mampu mengira itu apa..
So,…bersabarlah..dan yakinlah..
Walaupun keduanya sangatlah s u l i t.
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